5 Tips for Getting Toned Abs for Working Professionals
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5 Tips for Getting Toned Abs for Working Professionals

It is almost a challenge to stay fit and active when you have pending deadlines to catch up with. This doesn’t mean you need to compromise with your dream of the perfect abs.

A balanced diet and easy workout plan at home can get you beautiful abs without demanding much time from you. Abdomen, also known as the core or the central part of the body helps in our overall activity. Toned abs not only looks good but also lets you stay fit. There are fitness experts who can guide you on how to achieve the same and consulting a personal trainer in Ottawa can get you the results faster. Without the help of a trainer, and you try to do core exercises at home, things can get worse. We are sharing five tips to get toned abs for all the working professionals out there. These tips are safe, effective and can be followed easily at home.


#1 Chair Bicycle Crunch

You can easily do this exercise while sitting at your desk. Sit straight at the edge of your chair and put your hands behind the head. Try to stretch your elbows towards the sides of the room. Now lift your right knee up and touch your left torso with it. Repeat this with the left knee and right torso. You can do this exercise 10-20 times a day. To get professional services, fix an appointment with our personal trainer in Ottawa.  


#2 Plow Pose

You can do this exercise at home by lying down on a yoga mat or a carpet. Lie on your back and raise your legs above the stomach. Now slowly stretch your legs to go beyond your head and try to touch the floor with your toes beyond your head. Keeping your hand aside at rest count ten and come back to the normal position. You can do this exercise five to ten times a day to see amazing results.


#3 Heavy Breakfast, Light Dinner

The breakfast you take needs to contain enough portions of carbohydrate with balanced protein in it. Go for cereals like corn flakes, bread, muesli, bran flakes or oats along with eggs, milk, and juice. At the end of the day, go for a small portion of protein from fish, eggs or meat and a little carbohydrate from bread.


#4 Small Proportion of Meals Every Three Hours

Refrain from eating large portionsduring meal timesand switch to smaller portions of food every three to four hours. This is an effective way to stay fit while your body’s metabolism gets perfect digestion time.


#5 Protein & Fruits

There are many options to get protein from meat, fish, eggs, cottage cheese, soya, milk and cheese and you can also take protein shakes to get enough protein. Fruits are very important and you can consume them in different ways like making juice, salad or just chopped fruit.


We are one of the leading fitness studios in Ottawa providing professional services for the physical, mental and spiritual wellness of our clients. Feel free to contact our personal trainer in Ottawa for your health, fitness and diet-related services or to know more about our services.