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The Isagenix Diet

The Isagenix Diet is a weight loss diet supplement program. The program includes cleanses, shakes, bars and herbal supplements that detoxify" nat...

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How the 30 days Isagenix System Works

When toxic substance begins to build –up in our body, it causes us to gain weight, feel exhausted and feel unhealthy. That's why weight loss jus...

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7 days Weight loss meal plans from David Lee

Weight loss meal plans can be complicated to put together on your own. Of course, you can follow a meal plan to lose weight that you see in a magazi...

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The Side effect of not eating a balanced diet while working out regularly

The muscles you engage during exercise, whether it’s cardio, resistance training or flexibility work, rely on the nutrition you provide them t...

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What Happens When You Eat and Go instantly to bed to sleep

Have you ever tried to sleep after eating a heavy meal, and you can just feel the food in your stomach sitting there making all sorts of quirky nois...

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How to Break Your Sugar Addiction

Cravings are driven by your brain's need for a "reward" - not your body's need for food. Many people regularly experience sugar cravings....

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What if I only eat 300-500 calories a day for a few months?

Consuming 500 calories a day is not a healthy diet. Normally, eating anything below 1200 calories per day will make your body assume there's a food ...

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What is the unhealthiest thing that the average American eats every day?

Common in the American diet are processed foods that contain high doses of fat, sugar, sodium and calories, with little nutritional value. In additi...

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Blast Fat & Build Strength in a More Dynamic Way

What if I told you that there was an exercise modality that was so efficient that you would reap faster gains in far less time? This is what trainin...

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The Importance of Vitamins for Your Body

As amazing as the human body is, there are still certain vitamins and minerals that we just can’t produce on our own. For this reason, humans ...

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Vitamin B Complex Benefits & Deficiency

Without your full complement of B vitamins, you can wind up feeling tired and worn out. The water-soluble B vitamins are a crucial part of your metabo...

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What Are the Benefits of Vitamin C Powder?

Vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, is an essential, water-soluble vitamin that your body must obtain from outside sources like food or supplements. It occur...

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