Juice Cleansing Program
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Juice Cleansing Program

A juice cleanse is a type of fasting. Toxins are removed from the body by drinking just fresh fruit/vegetable juice for a short time period. Usually the duration is 3 days. The side-effects of a juice  cleanse can include some digestion discomfort.

Juice cleansing is good for people who want to change their unhealthy eating habits, are always tired, or have digestive problems. Other reasons people do juice cleanses is they have problems fighting off different disease and viruses. Fruits such as grapefruit are usually not used. Instead, organic vegetables that are fibrous such as cranberries, apples, leafy greens, etc. are usually used in juice cleanses.

 The best people for juice cleanses are usually people who have eating habits that are unhealthy. This kind of fasting can help to rid the body of toxins that have built up. It also helps people who eat too quickly, and people who eating too much processed food, high-fat food, sugary foods, and meat. There can be side effects involved with juice cleanses. People with digestive problems such as constipation can certainly benefit from juice cleanses. It can even help people with skin problems such as acne. Juice cleanses can also help people who easily get sick with colds and flu often because of low immune system.

It’s advisable that people do juice cleanses in short intervals. The reason is that the side-effects can be difficult to deal with. Some of the side-effects can include vomiting, dizziness, and headaches. These are actually quite common. They’re often a sign that the body is detoxifying itself. However, people should stop the cleanse if the symptoms become very serious. One variation of a juice cleanse involves eating 1 meal every day in order to lower the seriousness of the various side-effects.

A doctor should be consulted before starting a juice cleanse. The reason is that various side effects can result in bad health. One possible situation is dehydration and a major loss of electrolytes. Meanwhile, long-term cleansing using juices shouldn’t be done because it prevents the intake of calcium, protein, and other nutrients. It’s even possible for kidney problems to start if juicing isn’t done properly.

 Some people have problems because of particular fruits included in the cleanse. They include grapefruit. They contain compounds that can cause problems when combined with particular prescription meds. The best fruits/veggies used include apples, celery, pineapple, green leafy veggies, and cranberry.  There are other good choices as well.